Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vocals (EDIT)

This weekend, Maybe Bomb had a live rehearsal again; Kurt played drums, and my brother Jim and I played keys. In addition to the standard trio, Ken from West Gate was hanging out, and we got him to play keyboards with us so that we had less to back track. The ease of this process can almost solely be attributed to our new understanding of MainStage, a program that we foolishly thought was a throw-away that came with Logic. It took this video for us to see the light. The concept of actually performing this material live has never been so real.

Towards the end of practice, I played Ken some of the tracks he hadn't heard yet, including some with vocals. He got very excited and encouraging, and, to make a long story short, really lit a fire under me to actually finish more material.

I did a count the other day and realized that, musically, I have almost 30 songs completed, but only two have vocals. Since this is a project that I want to be performed as live, non-instrumental tracks, I have virtually nothing complete.

I'm actually doing something about changing this now. I'm focussing almost eclusively on writing and recording vocal parts for songs at this point.

I was, and continue to be, fairly hesitant about putting up these next two tracks. The vocals and lyrics were written and recorded hastily, often with my room mates trying to sleep or watch football in the background; the quality of the recordings and performances are all over the place, but they were just created to make a sketch of the songs.

It's interesting the way that I feel fine about putting really anything instrumentally on this site, but as soon as they have vocals and are (Animal Bop excluded), it becomes exponentially more personal to the point where I need to defend them and really question whether or not I want the world to have access to it.

I suppose the point of this website was to show you, kind reader, every stage of the music-writing process though, and, as self-conscious as I may be, being picky at this point would be a bit hypocritical. With that said, hopefully when the album comes out, you can look back fondly at how you heard it first and you heard how far it came along.

On that note, to encourage myself to keep them, I'm making public some New Year's Resolutions:
1- Finish an album plus worth of material
2- Record a Maybe Bomb album
3- Print the album
4- Make the album available through digital distribution (iTunes, Magnatune, etc.)
5- Play a minimum of five live performances (and pay-to-play none)
6- Get the music into the hands of personal influences and professionally influencial people in the music business

Here they are:
Hot Quiznos doesn't have a title yet, but 28 Weeks Later will now be known as Blink.

Like I said, these vocals are demos. They can and will be changed. Consider this square one.

In other news, I've gotten some complaints about the Yahoo music player that is embedded in this page. To be honest I don't know why it's there; I think it's kind of built in with Blogger when you have MP3 links on the page. If you want to download the songs, you can still do that- just right click the tracks (or control click if you're using a Mac... like you should be) and click save as.

Color me a hypocrite, but I took the links down. Values-0, Self-consciousness-1.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Zip Up

I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. Here's a new one that started as a soundtrack-style, stings-and-piano-only piece. This could be really fun live.

Zip Up.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Spade Breaker 12-15-08

I got together with Kurt again yesterday. Playing this material live is an incredible amount of fun, but as exciting as it is, the reality of performing work that has been written entirely as sequences is very difficult. The hardest part at this point is finding the musicians. To allow for flexibility, as well as an interesting stage performance, Maybe Bomb is going to need to consist of at least one extremely tight drummer and two versatile musicians who can primarily play keyboards but are able to switch to guitar or bass depending on the track. I'll probably be playing whole notes in the center of the stage, pawning off the more difficult duties on more talented live performers. As of right now, I'm far more focused on the writing. I'm not exaggerating when I say that there is a large amount of material I've written and recorded that I would not be able to actually play. A lack of rehearsals and performances have pretty much crippled my chops.

The reality of the project is certainly coming into focus, however. Seeing other people get excited about the music keeps pushing me to stop trying to finish material and just finish it already.

Here's the first draft of a completed Spade Breaker.

Since this mix, I've already put a few hours into new adjustments for the next edit.
